


We extend a warm welcome to you as you learn more about our admission process for the 2024-2025 school year.

To make the right decision regarding an Early Childhood Program for your child, we recommend that you research the school’s background, examine its philosophy, visit the premises, and meet the Director. In doing your research, I hope this website helps you gather information to better understand what LAC Preschool has to offer!

Scheduling a visit : We are now offering in-person tours.

Families interested in the program can contact:

Kristin DeFelice, Preschool Director  preschooldirector@lacny.org

Tammy Cosentino, Administrative Assistant  adminassistant@lacny.org

(914) 834-3984


  1. Re-Enrollment begins in November. Applications for the 2024-2025 school year will be sent to current students, siblings, and LAC Church Members on Monday, November 20th.
  2. Families are asked to complete the form and return it to the Preschool office on or before December 6th.
  3. Open Enrollment begins on December 7th. Applications will be sent to families who have requested them, or can be downloaded from our website, under Applications for Enrollment (2024-2025 applications are available starting December 7th).
  4. There is a $100 application fee, which is non-refundable. We ask for one application fee per family.
  5. Applications must be either scanned and emailed, printed and mailed in, or brought to the Preschool Office. Hard copies can be requested.
  6. Applications include registration for Extended Day, which offers a Full-Day option for our 3s and 4s Groups. If you are interested in Extended Days, we recommend indicating so when you register. However, Extended Days can be added at a later date, provided we have spaces available.
  7. If we are able to accommodate your first choice, we will send you a Tuition Agreement. Tuition Agreements must be submitted with First Installment of Tuition, which includes a $400 non-refundable registration fee. Once we receive the signed agreement and payment, your child is considered enrolled in the program.
  8. If we are not able to accommodate your first choice, we will offer an alternative choice where possible, and/or place your child on a waitlist.

Registration Fee and First Installment Policies

Once you accept a spot in the program and submit your signed tuition agreement, the registration fee and first installment are non-refundable.

Age Requirements

Twos Program – Must be 2.5 by September 30, 2024 (children must be at least 30 months)
Threes Program – Must be 3 by December 31, 2024
Fours Program – Must be 4 by December 31, 2024